Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dataset: West African Examination Council (WAEC) Examination Results

Description Results of the West African Examination Council Examination in Nigeria .

Country: Nigeria


Keywords: linkedopendatang, linkedopendata, opendatanigeria, opendatang, opendata, linkeddata, dataset, nigeria, waec, examination, naija30, africa30, education

Information: About the Linked Data document.

Predicates/Properties [via URIBurner Endpoint], [via SPARQLer Endpoint]

Linked Data Follow Your Nose (hosted on rww.io)

Sample Visualization:

Sample SPARQL Queries:

 The top 5 WAEC Examinations with the best performance in 5 subjects including English and Maths [via URIBurner Endpoint], [via SPARQLer Endpoint] .

prefix odng: <http://www.vikanttimobile.com/opendatang/data/odng-education-waec-results.ttl#> prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

select  ?examName as ?Examination, str(?totalCandidates) as ?TotalCandidates, str(?scored5creditsengmaths) as ?Scored5CreditsEngMaths, str(?pctScored5creditsengmaths) as ?PercentScored5creditsEngMaths from <http://www.vikanttimobile.com/opendatang/data/odng-education-waec-results.ttl> where { ?s rdfs:label ?examName. ?s odng:totalCandidates  ?totalCandidates . ?s odng:have5CreditsWithEnglishMaths  ?scored5creditsengmaths . ?s odng:pct5CreditsEnglishMaths ?pctScored5creditsengmaths . optional {?s odng:have6Credits ?scored6credits .} optional {?s odng:have5Credits ?scored5credits .} optional {?s odng:have4Credits ?scored4credits .} optional {?s odng:have3Credits ?scored3credits .} optional {?s odng:have2Credits ?scored2credits .}

} order by desc(xsd:integer(?pctScored5creditsengmaths)) limit 5

Edit the above query

 The top 5 WAEC Examinations with the worst performance in 5 subjects including English and Maths [via URIBurner Endpoint], [via SPARQLer Endpoint] .

prefix odng: <http://www.vikanttimobile.com/opendatang/data/odng-education-waec-results.ttl#> prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

select  ?examName as ?Examination, str(?totalCandidates) as ?TotalCandidates, str(?scored5creditsengmaths) as ?Scored5CreditsEngMaths, str(?pctScored5creditsengmaths) as ?PercentScored5creditsEngMaths from <http://www.vikanttimobile.com/opendatang/data/odng-education-waec-results.ttl> where { ?s rdfs:label ?examName. ?s odng:totalCandidates  ?totalCandidates . ?s odng:have5CreditsWithEnglishMaths  ?scored5creditsengmaths . ?s odng:pct5CreditsEnglishMaths ?pctScored5creditsengmaths . optional {?s odng:have6Credits ?scored6credits .} optional {?s odng:have5Credits ?scored5credits .} optional {?s odng:have4Credits ?scored4credits .} optional {?s odng:have3Credits ?scored3credits .} optional {?s odng:have2Credits ?scored2credits .}

} order by asc(xsd:integer(?pctScored5creditsengmaths)) limit 5

Edit the above query

  Emeka Okoye

Results of the West African Examination Council Examination in Nigeria.

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